Stoxy Server 0.1-41-gdc5b documentation

STOrage proXY (STOXY)

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STOrage proXY (STOXY)

Stoxy is a web storage server exposing a common interface (CDMI protocol) for accessing multiple data source backends. It’s a continuation of a CDMI-Proxy project building on top of a Twisted, OMS, ZCA and ZODB.

Stoxy supports read-write operations for data objects (aka files) and containers (aka folders) and integrates with the following backend systems:

Support for additional backend systems is on-going, for tutorial for adding new backends, see below.

Source code

Source code is available at


Stoxy is released under open-source Apache v2 license.

Module documentation


Development of Stoxy is supported by EGI, KTH PDC and OpenNode. Contributors can be seen from the git log or on Github.

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